
6th Annual Conference of EIOPA
Start date: 18/10/2016 12:00
End date: 18/10/2016 12:00
Location: Hotel InterContinental Frankfurt, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 43, D-60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

​​​​​​The 6th EIOPA Annual Conference is taking place on Tuesday, 18 October 2016 at the Hotel InterContinental in Frankfurt/Germany.

Top speakers will offer in-depth analyses to over 350 participants from the financial services industry, European Union institutions, as well as consumer representatives, consultants, academics, journalists and representatives from national supervisory and governmental authorities.

This year, besides the key note speech, the event will include three sessions around the main policy areas of our Authority: 

  • "Challenges of Supervision under Solvency II"
  • "A single market for pensions"
  • "Digital transformation in the insurance sector: risks and opportunities"

Also this year's Annual Conference will be a unique opportunity for high-level contributions and exchange of views on recent regulatory and supervisory developments and related challenges in the (re)insurance and pensions sectors as well as for interesting and lively discussions.


Draft programme is available here​​​​.​


Biographies of the speakers and moderators are available here


The registration for the 6th Annual Conference of EIOPA has been closed.
Should you have any questions, please send an e-mail to​.

Participants will be requested to make their own accommodation arrangements.
Please consult our handboo​​k for visitors​ for directions and a list of recommended hotels in the vicinity.​


Hotel InterContinental Frankfurt

Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 43

D-60329 Frankfurt am Main/Germany

Telephone + 49 69 26050



Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact EIOPA's Training & Events Team at​​
