Register of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision

​​​​​​​The compilation of registered IORPs published herein is intended to provide easily accessible information in accordance to Article 8 of EIOPA Regulation.

EIOPA has prepared this compilation from information received from EEA national competent authorities,

 in accordance with the Decisions of the Board of Supervisors on occupational pensions and IORPs

Please note that the relevant NCAs from the following countries have reported that no IORPs were authorized by them:

  • Czech Republic​
  • Estonia
  • Lithuania
  • Iceland
  • ​Romania

Please note that for Austria, Greece, Poland, Sweden and Slovenia the information provided refers to IORPs with more than 100 members and beneficiaries. For Ireland, only IORPs with 12 or more active and deferred members are included.​

EIOPA is aware that there might be differences between the information published herein and the lists available in the national public registries. The information listed in this document is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date. In addition, users should not rely on this list as an endorsement of the IORPs appearing on it. EIOPA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever.

The Register of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision is updated weekly on Friday.

If you have any questions about this register, please send us your enquiry​.

 IORPS - Public Area - Search

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Official name of the entity:
Cross border status:
EU country where the entity operates:
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Name of NCAOfficial name of the entityHome CountryEU Country where the entity operatesType of IORPStreet nameStreet numberPost CodeCityLegal name of the managing entityAddress of the managing entityRegistration Start DateRegistration End DateCross border statusCross border activityLEIIdentification CodeWebsite address
Commissione di Vigilanza sui Fondi Pensione (COVIP) ARTI & MESTIERI - FONDO PENSIONE APERTOITALYITALY IORP     ANIMA SGR S.P.A.Corso Garibaldi, 99 - 20121 - MILANO 10/03/1999 IORP with no cross border activity  549300S7C0RLJD0KPO4163WWW.ANIMASGR.IT
Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (DGSFP) FONDO DE PENSIONES "B" DEL PERSONAL DE ABANCA, F.P., FONDO DE PENSIONES EN LIQUIDACIÓNSPAINSPAIN IORP RUA NUEVA30 15003Coruña (A)CASER PENSIONES, ENTIDAD GESTORA DE FONDOS DE PENSIONES S.A.AV BURGOS, 109 02/11/1990 IORP with no cross border activity  95980020140005817849F0278 
HRVATSKA AGENCIJA ZA NADZOR FINANCIJSKIH USLUGA (HANFA) Zatvoreni dobrovoljni mirovinski fond HEP grupe CROATIACROATIA IORP     CROATIA osiguranje mirovinsko društvo za upravljanje dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondom d.o.o. Vatroslava Jagića 33, 10 000 Zagreb 16/03/2006 IORP with no cross border activity  7478000060RHZ1CZT67411440 
Commissione di Vigilanza sui Fondi Pensione (COVIP)"FONDO DI PREVIDENZA """"""""GINO CACCIANIGA"""""""" A FAVORE DEL PERSONALE DI AZIENDE DEL GRUPPO UNICREDIT S.P.A."""""""""""""ITALYITALY IORP Piazza Monte di Pietà, 3 31100TREVISO   13/07/1999 03/08/2022 IORP with no cross border activity
Die Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (FMA) "Rofenberg" Stiftung für PersonalvorsorgeLIECHTENSTEINNETHERLANDS IORP Landstrasse609490Vaduz   07/04/2014 31/12/2021 IORP with cross border activity (1) for cross-border IORPs which are Active in the reported EU Country where the IORP operates529900DDAAKR8E9AUS68529900DDAAKR8E9AUS68 
Die Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (FMA) "Rofenberg" Stiftung für PersonalvorsorgeLIECHTENSTEINLIECHTENSTEIN IORP Zollstrasse209494Schaan   18/12/2007 IORP with cross border activity (1) for cross-border IORPs which are Active in the reported EU Country where the IORP operates529900DDAAKR8E9AUS68529900DDAAKR8E9AUS68 
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)"Stichting De Samenwerking",Pensioenfonds voor het SlagersbedrijfNETHERLANDSNETHERLANDS IORP        01/01/1951 IORP with no cross border activity  724500Y6JJP1TXK0K28810561 
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)"Stichting Pensioenfonds Grontmij"NETHERLANDSNETHERLANDS IORP        01/05/1971 14/04/2021 IORP with no cross border activity   08416 
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)"Stichting Pensioenfonds voor de Tandtechniek" in liquidatieNETHERLANDSNETHERLANDS IORP        01/07/1967 IORP with no cross border activity  724500MC2ZVG75BB2D2942469 
The Pensions Authority2004 Sicon Ltd Group Defined Contribution Pension and Death Benefits SchemeIRELANDIRELAND IORP        01/09/2004 IORP with no cross border activity   PB160492 
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3286 result(s)

Explanation of terms used:

"Type of record"

  • IORP - institution for occupational retirement provision;
  • Art. 4 IORP - occupational retirement provision business of insurance undertakings in accordance with points (a)(i) to (iii) of Article 2(3) and points (b)(ii) to (iv) of Article 2(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC​.