Other Documents

​30.09.2019​ EIOPA Staff Discussion Paper: Protection gap for natural catastrophes (EIOPA-19/485) 
13.06.2019Common Minimum Standards for Data Revisions


Call for expression of interest: Expert Panel on PEPP

Application Deadline: 21 May 2019 



Advice on ICT legislative improvements

Advice on a coherent cyber resilience testing framework


Multilateral agreement on the exchange of information between the ECB and AML/CFT competent authorities

​07.12.2018Call for expression of interest: EIOPA Technical Expert Network on Catastrophe Risks

Application Deadline: 4 January 2019

​17.07.2018Thematic review travel insurance questionnaire

Questionnaires related to the European Union-wide thematic review on Big Data:

Consumer Associations survey

National Competent Authority survey

Insurance industry survey

​01.06.2018Statement on consumer detriment resulting from policyholder exposure to contracts for differences and binary options




Virtual Currencies Warnings


​SK ​SL ​SV​


​Update on Internal Model Consistency Projects
​03.02.2017 ​Balance Sheet Review of the Bulgarian Insurance Sector
Balance Sheet Review of the Bulgarian Insurance Sector (BG)
Annex 4a: Non-Life Insurance Companies
Annex 4a: Non-Life Insurance Companies (BG)
Annex 4b: Life Insurance Companies
Annex 4b: Life Insurance Companies (BG)
Annex 4c: Group Results
Annex 4c: Group Results (BG)
Bulgarian Pension Funds’ Assets Review
Bulgarian Pension Funds’ Assets Review (BG)
​Appendix III-Detailed results per Pension Fund​
Appendix III-Detailed results per Pension Fund (BG)
Frequently Asked Questions Insurance and Pensions Sector Review in Bulgaria
​23.03.2016 ​EIOPA’s response to the European Commission’s Green Paper on retail financial services
​27.01.2016 ​ESAs Joint Letter to Jonathan Hill, European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, on the cross-selling of financial products
​18.01.2016 EIOPA’s Strategy towards a comprehensive risk-based and preventive framework for conduct of business supervision​​
​12.02.2014 ​Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Jonathan Hill, European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, on recovery and resolution
06.11.2014​ ESAs Joint Letter to the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) on the ESAs’ budget 2015​
​24.01.2014ESAs Joint Letter to Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, on the Philippe Maystadt Report “Should IFRS standards be more European?”
​14.11.2013Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, on the Report by Philippe Maystadt “Should IFRS standards be more European?"
20.09.2013​ Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Jonathan Faull, Director General Internal Market and Services of the European Commission, on enhancing consumer protection in insurance investment products​
​15.03.2013Technical note on EIOPA produced by the International Monetary Fund under its Assessment of Financial Stability in the European Union
For more information click here: http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2013/pr1379.htm​
14.03.2013​​ESAs Joint Letter to Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, on the possible regulatory framework for benchmark activities
05.10.2012 ​​Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, on the need for a clear and credible timeline of the Solvency II implementation
​​01.02.2012Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, on the implementation of Solvency II
​11.01.2012 ​Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Michaela Koller, Director General of CEA (the European  insurance and  reinsurance federation), on pre-application
​20.12.2011Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Mr Burkhard Balz, Member of the European Parliament, on reporting under Solvency II
28.12.2010CEIOPS Report on 2009 and 2010 Training Activities
21.10.2008Joint Statement from CESR, CEBS and CEIOPS Regarding the Latest Developments in Accounting
28.02.2008 ​3L3 Chairs' Joint letter to EU Institutions submitting Draft Work Programmes
​03.07.2007Interim Progress Report on Supervisory Convergence in the Field of Insurance and Occupational Pensions for the FSC​ (CEIOPS-SEC-33/07)
04.08.2006 ​CEIOPS' Second Progress Report on Convergence to FSC (CEIOPS-SEC-45/06)
​15.09.2005 CEIOPS' Progress Report on Convergence to FSC (CEIOPS-SEC-70/05)
28.04.2004 Note on Passporting