This section includes protocols, decisions and memoranda of understanding relating to the collaboration of supervisory authorities and international bodies.
Decision of the BoS on the reporting of national provisions of prudential nature relevant to the field of occupational pension schemes
Decision of the BoS on the Register of Institutions of Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs)
Annexes: Decision of the BoS on the Register of Institutions of Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs)
Decision of the BoS on the Database of Pension Plans and Products in the EEA
Annexes: Decision of the BoS on the Database of Pension Plans and Products in the EE
Annex to the Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive
Appendix 1: Summary of terms
Appendix 2: Questionnaire about elements of social and labour law with a prudential financial impact
Appendix 3: Examples and flow chart in relation to cross-border activity procedures
Appendix 4: Application forms in relation to cross-border activity procedures
Appendix 5: Examples, flow chart and intermediary decisions in relation to cross-border transfer resulting in cross-border activity procedures
Appendix 6: Application forms in relation to cross-border transfer procedures resulting or not in a cross-border activity
Appendix 7: Examples and flow chart in relation to cross-border transfer procedures
Appendix 8: Flow chart regarding on-going information exchange and supervision
Appendix 9: Flow chart regarding complaints handling
Appendix 10: Information exchange relating to the fit and proper assessment
Contact list of home national competent authorities
Contact list of host national competent authorities
List of the legal form of IORP by Member State
Appendices of the Decision on the Cooperation of Competent Authorities under the IDD (updated: 10.10.2019
Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation, information exchange and consultation
Decision on EIOPA's regular information requests towards NCAs regarding the provision of occupational pensions information
Decision on the Annual Market and CreditRisk Modelling Comparative Study