Submissions to the EC


In this section you will find copies of submissions to the European Commission, organised per years, either as a response to a request or on its own initiative (e.g. Recommendation).

Submissions to the EC - 2019

​Date​​​Document title

Letter to the EC: EIOPA's opinion on Sustainability within Solvency II (EIOPA-19/473)

Opinion on Sustainability within Solvency II (EIOPA-BoS-19/241)

Resolutions to Consultation on Sustainability within Solvency II (EIOPA-19/421)


Letter from the EC to the ESAs on exlusion of some performance scenarios options in the PRIIPs consumer testing.

ESAs resonse to the letter on exclusion of some performance scenarios options in the PRIIPs consumer testing

​Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Vladis Dombrovskis, Vice-President, European Commission, on Draft Amendments to Implementing Technical Standards on Reporting and Disclosure


Draft amendment to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2450 of 2 December 2015 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the templates for te submission of information to the supervisory authorities

Draft amendment to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2452 of 2 December 2015 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the procedures, formats and templates of the solvency and financial condition report

Impact Assessment of draft amendment and correction of ITS on Reporting 2019 

​28.05.2019​European Commission's reply to the ESAs call to clarify the scope of the PRIIPs Regulation

Letter from the Joint Committee of the three EuropeanSupervisory Authorities (ESAs) on performance scenarios to be tested during theupcoming consumer testing exercise conducted by the European Commission underLevel 2 Review of the PRIIPs KID Regulation

Annex to the letter on PRIIPs - performance scenario options for consumer testing

Letter from EIOPA's Chairman to Olivier Guersent, Director General, Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission

EIOPA's Technical Advice on the integration of sustainability risks and factors in the delegated acts under Solvency II and IDD


ESAs joint letter to the EC for packaged retail and insurance-based investments products

Draft regulatory technical standards to amend the delegated regulation covering the rules for the KID for PRIIPs 

Submissions to the EC - 2018

​Date​​ ​Document title
19.12.2018Letter from EIOPA's Chairman to Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President, Euro and Social Dialogue, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission

Report on Group Supervision and Capital Management of Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings


​Letter from EIOPA's Chairman to Valdis Dombrovski, Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, on EIOPA's Report on the Evaluation of the European Insurance Intermediaries Markets
Report on the Evaluation of the Structure of Insurance Intermediaries Markets in Europe
Annex with a country-by-country analysis


EIOPA's response to the European Commission's Public Consultation on the Draft Amendments to the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC ("Solvency II")

European Commission’s response to EIOPA’scomments to the Public Consultation on the DraftAmendments to the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 supplementingDirective 2009/138/EC ("Solvency II")


EIOPA's response to the Europeans Commissons' public consultation on the EU Framework for public reporting by companies
The Europeans Commissons' public consultation on the EU Framework for public reporting by companies


Letter from EIOPA Chairman to Valdis Dombrovskis, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, on Draft amendments and correction to the Implementing Technical Standards on Reporting and Disclosure


 ​Draft amendment with regard to the templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities
 Draft amendment with regard to the procedures, formats and templates of the solvency and financial condition report


Draft Regulatory Technical Standards adapting the base euro amounts for professional indemnity insurance and for financial capacity of intermediaries under the Insurance Distribution Directive
Letter to Olivier Guersant, Director-General of DG FISMA, European Commission


EIOPA's response to the European Commissions' public consultation on fitness check on supervisory reporting
The European Commissions' public consultation on fitness check on supervisory reporting


EIOPA's second set of Advice to the European Commission on specific items in the Solvency II Delegated Regulation

Annex to section 6: Natural catastrophe risks –Zonal Calibration

Frequently Asked Questions

Letter to Olivier Guersent, Director-General of DG FISMA, European Commission


Report to the European Commission on the Application of Group Supervision under the Solvency II Directive
Letter to Olivier Guersant, Director-General of DG FISMA, European Commission

Submissions to the EC - 2017

​Date​​ ​Document title
EIOPA’s first set of advice to the European Commission on specific items in the Solvency II Delegated Regulation
Letter to Olivier Guersent, Director-General of the DG FISMA
​EIOPA’s comments on the interim report of the High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance 
​Response to the European Commission’s public consultation on FinTech: A more competitive and innovative European Financial Sector
​​07.02.2017 ​Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the Insurance Product Information Document
Letter to the European Commission on the Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the Insurance Product Information Document​
01.02.2017 EIOPA’s Technical Advice on Possible Delegated Acts Concerning the Insurance Distribution Directive
Letter to the European Commission on EIOPA's Advice on Possible Delegated Acts Concerning the Insurance Distribution Directive

Submissions to the EC - 2016

​Date​​ ​Document title
​16.12.2016 Report on Long-Term Guarantees and Measures on Equity Risk​ ​​
​26.10.2016 ​EIOPA’s response to the European Commission’s Consultation on the Review of the EU Macroprudential Policy Framework
​​06.07.2016 ​EIOPA's advice on the development of an EU Single Market for personal pension products (PPP) 
Letter to the European Commission on EIOPA's advice on the development of an EU Single Market for personal pensions (PPP) 
​30​.06.2016 Technical Advice on the identification and calibration of other infrastructure investment risk categories, i.e. infrastructure corporates​​​

Letter to the European Commission on the technical advice on the identification and calibration of other infrastructure investment risk categories, i.e. infrastructure corporates​​​

Frequently Asked Questions ​ ​

​Submissions to the EC - 2015

​Date​​ ​Document title
​​​29.09.2015 Advice on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories ​
Letter to the European Commission on the Call for advice on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories 
​08.07.2015 Final Report on Good Practices on individual transfers of occupational pension rights ​​

Letter to the European Commission on the Call for Advice on transferability of supplementary pension rights​​


Technical Advice on criteria and factors to be taken into account in applying product intervention powers ​​

Letter to the European Commission on the Technical Advice on measures specifying certain criteria and factors relating to product intervention powers for EIOPA and competent authorities under the PRIIPs Regulation​ 

​27.03.2015Final Report on public consultation CP-14-062 on the Advice to the EC in response to the Call for Advice on recovery plan, finance scheme and supervisory powers in deteriorating financial conditions

​​EIOPA-15-138 Letter Technical Advice on Conflicts of Interest in direct and intermediated sales of insurance-based investment products GBE)

​Final Report on Public Consultation on the draft​ technical advice on Conflicts of Interest in direct and intermediated sales of insurancebased investment products

Technical Advice on Conflicts of Interest in direct and intermediated sales of insurance-based investment products​



Submissions to the EC - 2010/2011


​​Date ​Document title

Swiss Equivalence adviceSummary of Comments on Swiss Equivalence

Bermudan Equivalence adviceSummary of Comments on Bermudan Equivalence

Japanese Equivalence adviceSummary of Comments on Japanese Equivalence


​14.03.2011Letter to the European Commission on QIS5 
​23.11.2010CEIOPS’ Comments on the European Commission’s White Paper of Insurance Guarantee Schemes
​15.11.2010CEIOPS Response to the European Commission Green Paper – “Towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems”
​12.11.2010Cross-border activity of IORPs - Practical issues paper
​12.11.2010Cross-border IORPs - Note to the Commission

Letter from the European Commission

​12.10.20103L3 Task Force Report on PRIPs
​31.08.2010CEIOPS Cover letter / CEIOPS Advice to the European Commission - Equivalence assessments to be undertaken in relation to Articles 172, 227 and 260 of the Solvency II Directive
​02.08.2010CEIOPS general message as to EC Green Paper on Pensions
​30.06.2010JCFC Letter to EC on Annual notification of Financial Conglomerates / List of financial conglomerates (June 2010)

CEIOPS Cover letter on Catastrophe Task Force Report / CEIOPS Catastrophe Task Force Report on Standardised Scenarios for the Catastrophe Risk Modudule in the Standard Formula
​15.04.2010CEIOPS main background document for Level 2 advice as to calibration

CEIOPS Cover Letter on final set of Solvency II final L2 advice to EC /                             CEIOPS Feedback statement on the final set of Solvency II final L2 advice to EC
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Calibration of the MCR / CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Calibration of Health Underwriting Risk / CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Calibration of Non-life Underwriting Risk / CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received

CEIOPS Cover Letter to EC CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Technical Criteria for assessing 3rd country equivalence in relation to art. 172, 227 and 260 / CEIOPS' Resolutions on comments received
​03.03.2010 Task Force Report on the Liquidity Premium / CEIOPS Cover Letter

CEIOPS Cover Letter on 3rd set of Solvency II final L2 advice to EC /                               CEIOPS Feedback statement on the 3rd set of Solvency II final L2 advice to EC
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Simplifications/Specifications for captives / CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received 
​​CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Simplified calculations in the standard formulaCEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Simplified methods and techniques to calculate technical provisions / CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Undertaking specific parameters /    CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Calibration of Market Risk Module /  CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII:Ring-Fenced Funds /                       CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Supervision of Group Solvency for Groups with Centralised Risk ManagementCEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
CEIOPS' Advice for L2 Implementing Measures on SII: Repackaged Loans Investment /       CEIOPS' Resolutions on Comments Received
For ease of referen​ce, CEIOPS has prepared an overview of all documents submitted to the EC between 2004 - 2009, available here.