Call for evidence concerning the request to ΕΙΟΡΑ for further technical advice on the identification and calibration of other infrastructure investment risk categories i.e. infrastructure corporates |ΕΙΟΡΑ-for-further-technical-advice-on-the-identification-and-calibration.aspx | Call for evidence concerning the request to ΕΙΟΡΑ for further technical advice on the identification and calibration of other infrastructure investment risk categories i.e. infrastructure corporates | 10/12/2015 22:55:00 | | |
CP-15-006 Consultation Paper on the creation of a standardised Pan-European Personal Pension product (PEPP) | | CP-15-006 Consultation Paper on the creation of a standardised Pan-European Personal Pension product (PEPP) | 05/10/2015 21:55:00 | | |
JC/CP/2015/003 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Consultation Paper on the draft Joint Guidelines on the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holdings in the financial sector | | JC/CP/2015/003 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Consultation Paper on the draft Joint Guidelines on the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holdings in the financial sector | 02/10/2015 21:55:00 | | |
JC/DP/2015/01 Technical Discussion Paper “Risk, performance scenarios and cost disclosures in Key Information Documents for Packages Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs)” | | JC/DP/2015/01 Technical Discussion Paper “Risk, performance scenarios and cost disclosures in Key Information Documents for Packages Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs)” | 17/08/2015 21:55:00 | | |
CP-15-004 Consultation Paper on the Call for Advice from the European Commission on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories | | CP-15-004 Consultation Paper on the Call for Advice from the European Commission on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories | 09/08/2015 21:55:00 | | |
JC/CP/2015/002 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Second Consultation Paper on the Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP under Article 11(15) of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 | | JC/CP/2015/002 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Second Consultation Paper on the Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP under Article 11(15) of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 | 10/07/2015 09:00:00 | | |
CP-15-002 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS on the procedures and templates for the submission of information to the group supervisor as well as the exchange of information between supervisory authorities | | CP-15-002 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS on the procedures and templates for the submission of information to the group supervisor as well as the exchange of information between supervisory authorities | 22/05/2015 21:55:00 | | |
CP-15-003 Discussion Paper on Infrastructure Investments by Insurers | | CP-15-003 Discussion Paper on Infrastructure Investments by Insurers | 26/04/2015 21:55:00 | | |
JC/C/2015/001 Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the allocation of credit assessments of ECAIs to an objective scale of credit quality steps | | JC/C/2015/001 Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the allocation of credit assessments of ECAIs to an objective scale of credit quality steps | 10/04/2015 21:55:00 | | |
CP-15-001 Pensions Transferability | | CP-15-001 Pensions Transferability | 10/04/2015 16:00:00 | | |
JC CP 2014 05 Consultation Paper on Cross Selling | | JC CP 2014 05 Consultation Paper on Cross Selling | 22/03/2015 23:00:00 | | |
Public consultation on the Set 2 of the Solvency II Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and Guidelines | | Public consultation on the Set 2 of the Solvency II Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and Guidelines | 02/03/2015 17:00:00 | | |
JC/DP/2014/01 Discussion Paper on the use of credit ratings by financial intermediaries | | JC/DP/2014/01 Discussion Paper on the use of credit ratings by financial intermediaries | 27/02/2015 17:00:00 | | |
CP-14/064 Consultation Paper on Product Intervention Powers under the Regulation on Key Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based Investment Products | | CP-14/064 Consultation Paper on Product Intervention Powers under the Regulation on Key Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based Investment Products | 27/02/2015 08:00:00 | | |
Joint Discussion Paper on Key Information Documents (KIDs) (JC/DP/2014/02) | | Joint Discussion Paper on Key Information Documents (KIDs) (JC/DP/2014/02) | 17/02/2015 21:00:00 | | |
CP-14/150 Consultation Paper on the proposal for Guidelines on product oversight & governance arrangements by insurance undertakings |;-governance-arrangements.aspx | CP-14/150 Consultation Paper on the proposal for Guidelines on product oversight & governance arrangements by insurance undertakings | 23/01/2015 22:00:00 | | |
CP-14/041 Consultation Paper on the draft Advice to the EC - Equivalence assessment of the Swiss supervisory system in relation to articles 172, 227 and 260 of the Solvency II Directive | | CP-14/041 Consultation Paper on the draft Advice to the EC - Equivalence assessment of the Swiss supervisory system in relation to articles 172, 227 and 260 of the Solvency II Directive | 23/01/2015 15:00:00 | | |
CP-14/042 Consultation Paper on the draft Advice to the EC - Equivalence assessment of the Bermudian supervisory system in relation to articles 172, 227 and 260 of the Solvency II Directive Deadline: 23 January 2015 | | CP-14/042 Consultation Paper on the draft Advice to the EC - Equivalence assessment of the Bermudian supervisory system in relation to articles 172, 227 and 260 of the Solvency II Directive Deadline: 23 January 2015 | 23/01/2015 15:00:00 | | |
CP-14/043 Consultation Paper on the draft Advice to the EC - Equivalence assessment of the Japanese supervisory system in relation to article 172 of the Solvency II Directive | | CP-14/043 Consultation Paper on the draft Advice to the EC - Equivalence assessment of the Japanese supervisory system in relation to article 172 of the Solvency II Directive | 23/01/2015 15:00:00 | | |
CP-14-040 Consultation Paper on Further Work on Solvency of IORPs | | CP-14-040 Consultation Paper on Further Work on Solvency of IORPs | 13/01/2015 12:00:00 | | |