Database of pension plans and products in the EEA

​The compilation of registered Database of Pension Plans and Products herein is intended to provide easily accessible information in accordance to Article 8 of EIOPA Regulation.

The Database is a unique resource providing a comprehensive snapshot of the European pensions’ landscape and helps to better understand pension systems in Europe.

The Database has been prepared by EIOPA on a best effort basis, with contributions from national competent authorities, in accordance with the Decisions of the Board of Supervisors on occupational pensions and IORPs. Adjustments and simplifications were applied both in defining characteristics of plans and products and in providing the information by the authorities. Therefore, the Database should not be interpreted as a fully complete, “official” list of all pension plans, products or their providers available in EEA. Similarly, the definitions and classifications used have been established for the purpose of the Database and are not binding in any way.

In addition, for some countries the information contained in the Database may not be entirely explicative of the national context.


Plans and products included in the Database are those non-public arrangements and investment vehicles that have an explicit objective of retirement provision (according to a national social and labour law or tax rules) irrespective whether they are of occupational or personal type.

Both 1st pillar-bis pensions available in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and plans/products which are defined in the legislation but not yet offered to the public (or have no members) are also included.

The pension plans managed by the State or public entities (1st pillar pensions) and “pure” annuities (i.e. products not linked to an accumulation phase) are excluded from the Database. 

The Database is aimed to be updated, checked for completeness, consistency and methodological aspects on an annual basis.

EIOPA has prepared this compilation from information received from EEA national competent authorities. EIOPA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever.

The Database of pension plans and products in the EEA is updated monthly, on the first day of the month.​

If you have any questions about this register, please send us you​r enquiry​.

​Database of pension plans and products – Public area – Search

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Country codeCode of a pension plan, product or a providerName of a type of a pension plan, product or a providerApplicable EU law/regulationFirst Pillar bisOccupational vs. personalEmployer contributionsMember contributionsDC vs. DBExposure to investment risk for memberFundingFinancial vehicleMembershipTarget group of a plan/productDistribution channel to members (internet)Investment optionsThe employee has a choice as to the pension product/plan providerLinks to the 1st pillar pension systemGovernance requirementsNumber of membersComment - linked to fields 'Number of active members (Latest available data)'  and 'Total assets or Total assets under management (Latest available data) (million €)'Number of active membersTotal assets under management (million €)File Submission DateRisk sharingProducts/plans/schemes/providers of similar natureRetirement agePay-out optionsDefaultTax IncentivesComment - linked to the qualitative fieldsGeneral comment for quantitative indicatorsGuarantor
SISI-11Pokojninska družba|Pension companyIORP IINoboth occupational and personalvoluntaryvoluntaryDBfull exposure to investment risk|Minimum guaranteeFundedSegregated assetsVoluntaryWorkforce of many employerslimitedMultiple investment optionsYes, in accumulation onlyyesRepresentation of employers|Representation of employeesnot available 143,501818.6026/03/2020Yes, risk sharing between generations, accumulation only|Yes, risk sharing between generations, decumulation only 65Annuity partially mandatory Yes, options include a default, either mandatory or optional depending on the productYesPN z življenjskim ciklom po ZPIZ-2 (Life-cycle pension scheme)data refers to 31.12.2019Provider
SISI-12Pokojninska družba|Pension companyIORP IINoboth occupational and personalvoluntaryvoluntaryDBMinimum guaranteeFundedSegregated assetsVoluntaryWorkforce of many employerslimitedNo investment optionsYes, in accumulation onlyyesRepresentation of employers|Representation of employeesnot available not availablenot available26/03/2020Yes, risk sharing between generations, accumulation only|Yes, risk sharing between generations, decumulation only 65Annuity partially mandatory Yes, options include a default, mandatory by regulationYesPN z zajamčenim donosom po ZPIZ-2 Pension scheme with guaranteed returndata refers to 31.12.2019Provider
SISI-21Zavarovalnica|Insurance undertakingIORP art.4|Solvency IINoboth occupational and personalvoluntaryvoluntaryDBfull exposure to investment risk|Minimum guaranteeFundedSegregated assetsVoluntaryWorkforce of many employerslimitedMultiple investment optionsYes, in accumulation onlyyesRepresentation of employers|Representation of employeesnot available 408,0152,006.9026/03/2020Yes, risk sharing between generations, accumulation only|Yes, risk sharing between generations, decumulation only 65Annuity partially mandatory Yes, options include a default, either mandatory or optional depending on the productYesPN z življenjskim ciklom po ZPIZ-2 (Life-cycle pension scheme)data refers to 31.12.2019Provider
SISI-22Zavarovalnica|Insurance undertakingIORP art.4|Solvency IINoboth occupational and personalvoluntaryvoluntaryDBMinimum guaranteeFundedSegregated assetsVoluntaryWorkforce of many employerslimitedNo investment optionsYes, in accumulation onlyyesRepresentation of employers|Representation of employees0 00.0026/03/2020Yes, risk sharing between generations, accumulation only|Yes, risk sharing between generations, decumulation only 65Annuity partially mandatory Yes, options include a default, mandatory by regulationYesPN z zajamčenim donosom po ZPIZ-2 Pension scheme with guaranteed returndata refers to 31.12.2019Provider
SISI-31Banka|BankIORP II|AIFMNoboth occupational and personalvoluntaryvoluntaryDBfull exposure to investment risk|Minimum guaranteeFundedSegregated assetsVoluntaryWorkforce of many employerslimitedMultiple investment optionsYes, in accumulation onlyyesRepresentation of employers|Representation of employeesnot available 7,21946.2826/03/2020Yes, risk sharing between generations, accumulation only|Yes, risk sharing between generations, decumulation only 65Annuity partially mandatory Yes, options include a default, either mandatory or optional depending on the productYesPN z življenjskim ciklom po ZPIZ-2 (Life-cycle pension scheme - KPS)data refers to 31.12.2019Provider
SISI-32Banka|BankIORP II|AIFMNoboth occupational and personalvoluntaryvoluntaryDBMinimum guaranteeFundedSegregated assetsVoluntaryWorkforce of many employerslimitedNo investment optionsYes, in accumulation onlyyesRepresentation of employers|Representation of employees0 00.0026/03/2020Yes, risk sharing between generations, accumulation only|Yes, risk sharing between generations, decumulation only 65Annuity partially mandatory Yes, options include a default, mandatory by regulationYesPN z zajamčenim donosom po ZPIZ-2 Pension scheme with guaranteed return (VPS)data refers to 31.12.2019Provider
HUHU-1Magánnyugdíjpénztár - voluntary privatly managed pension funds (ex-mandatory)NELYespersonalnot possiblemandatoryDCfull exposure to investment riskFundedAutonomous entityVoluntaryIndividualsnilMultiple investment optionsYes, in accumulation onlyYesRepresentation of members54,829 54,829818.4502/04/2020no 64 years, 6 months – men and womenProgrammed withdrawal possibleYes, options include a default, mandatory by regulationNo<div class="ExternalClass1B5377442070453F8ECA9F6B33AD79FE">A pension fund shall have a board of directors comprising a chairperson and a number of other members, all of them must be the members of the pension fund.</div>Assets of private pension funds at market value at the end of the period (not audited data)None
HUHU-2Önkéntes nyugdíjpénztár - Voluntary pension fund NELNopersonalvoluntarymandatoryDCfull exposure to investment riskFundedAutonomous entityVoluntaryIndividualslimitedBoth possibleYes, in both accumulation and decumulationYesRepresentation of members|Representation of employers1,110,842 1,109,7234,619.7502/04/2020no 64 years, 6 months – men and womenLump sum possible|Programmed withdrawal possibleYes, options include a default, mandatory by regulationYes<div class="ExternalClass033D30798E67482B8DDCDDCA3A9C150B">A pension fund shall have a board of directors comprising a chairperson and a number of other members, all of them must be the members of the pension fund. If the contributions of employer reaches or exceeds 50 per cent of the fund’s total revenue from contributions in a given calendar year, the employer shall be entitled to delegate one member to the supervisory committee of the pension fund for a period of five years.</div>Assets of private pension funds at market value at the end of the period (not audited data)None
EEEE-1Vabatahtlik pensionifond│Voluntary pension fund│III PillarNELNopersonalvoluntaryvoluntaryDCfull exposure to investment riskFundedSegregated assetsVoluntaryBoth workforce and individualsimportantMultiple investment optionsYes, in both accumulation and decumulationNoNo representation of employers, employees or members84,020 84,020237.3312/01/2021Yes, risk sharing within same generation, accumulation only 55Annuity possible|Lump sum possible|Programmed withdrawal possibleYes, options include a default, mandatory by regulationYes  None
EEEE-3Täiendava kogumispensioni kindlustusleping │Pension insurance│III PillarSolvency IINopersonalvoluntaryvoluntaryplan can be both DB or DCCapital guaranteedFundedContractual obligationVoluntaryBoth workforce and individualsimportantNo investment optionsYes, in both accumulation and decumulationNoNo representation of employers, employees or membersnot available not availablenot available12/01/2021no 55Annuity possible|Lump sum possibleYes, options include a default, mandatory by regulationYes  None