
Joint ESAs Consumer Protection Day
Date: 04/06/2014 12:00

In June 2013, the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities (EIOPA, EBA and ESMA) held its first Joint Consumer Protection Day. The goal of the event was to strengthen co-operation and ensure cross-sectoral consistency between the European Supervisory Authorities and to provide a forum for exchange and discussion on important consumer issues as well as on consumer protection supervisory practices.

In June 2014, the second Joint Consumer Protection Day attracted more than 300 consumer representatives, academics, legal and financial consultants, national supervisors, experts from the EU institutions and financial services industry (banking, securities, insurance and pensions). The aim of the event was to gather consumers, regulators and industry participants together to discuss consumer protection-related issues in the financial services area.

The third Joint Consumer Protection Day will take place in Frankfurt on 3 June 2015.​
