Register of Insurance Undertakings

​​To provide regularly updated and easily accessible information by the public, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1094/2010 publishes information on registered financial institutions within its area of competence.

The Register of Insurance Undertakings is a representation of the information provided by the respective National Competent Authorities that are responsible for authorisation and/or registration of the reported insurance undertakings’ activities. Great care has been taken in compiling all the information presented here.

Each National Competent Authority also publishes a register of insurance undertakings on their website, in case differences still remain between the information published by EIOPA and the lists available on the National Competent Authority website, the information published in the national websites should prevail and the issue should be reported to the relevant National Competent Authority and if possible informing EIOPA. EIOPA does not accept any liability for the completeness, accuracy and correctness of the information.

Please note that the differences between the information published by EIOPA and the lists available in the national public registers may particularly be due to different underlying national legal frameworks.

As of 1 January 2021, potential discrepancies might arise between the information published by EIOPA and some national public registers due to Brexit. Namely, those UK firms engaged only in transitional run-off regimes within the EEA will not appear in EIOPA’s Register while they might be found in some national public registers. Users of EIOPA’s website are hereby informed of these potential discrepancies so that they may wish to consult the national public registers or contact the National Competent Authorities to receive information regarding each specific situation.

The Register of Insurance Undertakings is updated weekly on Friday.​

If you have any questions about this register, please send us your enquiry​.​​

* For technical reasons the following page should be viewed using Internet Explorer. Other browsers may be used but the information might not be displayed properly.

Official name of the entity:
Home Country:
Cross border status:
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International NameName of NCAHome CountryIdentification codeLEIOfficial name of the entityCross border statusEU Country where the entity operatesLocal/Commercial nameRegistration start dateRegistration end dateStreet NameStreet NumberPost CodeCityCountyWebsite addressOperation Start DateOperation End Date
"Baltijas Apdrošināšanas Nams" IJSCLatvijas BankaLV049259400VDTC20UW6M5D80 "Baltijas Apdrošināšanas Nams" apdrošināšanas akciju sabiedrība EEA FPS EE "Baltijas Apdrošināšanas Nams" apdrošināšanas akciju sabiedrība 19/05/2000  Antonijas street23LV-1010Riga 21/07/2000  
BULGARIA INSURANCE ADBulgarian Financial Supervision Commission (FSC)BG131233651529900RVMVFMR0I4B649Застрахователно акционерно дружество България АД Domestic undertaking BG BULGARIA INSURANCE AD 14/06/2013  Bulgaria 14/06/2013  
""TUZ"" Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń WzajemnychKomisja Nadzoru Finansowego (KNF)PL87259400DTQXBX78Q0IW12""TUZ"" Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych Domestic undertaking PL""TUZ"" Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych 25/07/2003  ul. 01/09/2003  
"Baltijas Apdrošināšanas Nams" IJSCLatvijas BankaLV049259400VDTC20UW6M5D80"Baltijas Apdrošināšanas Nams" apdrošināšanas akciju sabiedrība Domestic undertaking LV"Baltijas Apdrošināšanas Nams" apdrošināšanas akciju sabiedrība 19/05/2000  Antonijas street23LV-1010Riga 21/07/2000  
"danmark" Erhverv, SkadesforsikringsaktieselskabFinanstilsynetDK5311863670018BQ5R7IKA8T76"danmark" Erhverv, Skadesforsikringsaktieselskab Domestic undertaking DK  26/03/2018  Palægade51261København K   26/03/2018  
"InterRisk Vienna Insurance Group" IJSCLatvijas BankaLV051LT213800W6HJSDZVV2WQ60"InterRisk Vienna Insurance Group" AAS EEA branch LT"InterRisk Vienna Insurance Group" AAS 31/08/1998  Ūdens street12-115LV-1007Riga 12/06/2006  
525EME MUTUELLE D ENTREPRISES L’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)FR779926294969500OVZZTXBQ9PD312525EME MUTUELLE D ENTREPRISES Domestic undertaking FR525EME MUTUELLE D ENTREPRISES 01/01/1900  4 ET 5 PLACE STEVEN SPIELBERG CITE BERLIET - AVENUE C  69800SAINT PRIEST   01/01/1900  
A.M.A., AGRUPACIÓN MUTUAL ASEGURADORA, MUTUA DE SEGUROS A PRIMA FIJADirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (DGSFP)ESM0328213800AEQ6JQDLCWQN31A.M.A., AGRUPACIÓN MUTUAL ASEGURADORA, MUTUA DE SEGUROS A PRIMA FIJA Domestic undertaking ESA.M.A., AGRUPACIÓN MUTUAL ASEGURADORA, MUTUA DE SEGUROS A PRIMA FIJA 01/02/1966  Parque Empresarial CRISTALIA. Edificio 4. Vía de los Poblados4. 28033MadridMadridwww.WWW.AMASEGUROS.COM 01/02/1966  
A2VIPL’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)FR80379503896950029C8LW9CRQOG98A2VIP Domestic undertaking FRA2VIP 29/12/2013  20 rue de la Baume  75008PARIS   29/12/2013  
AAK INSURANCE MALTA LIMITEDMalta Financial Services Authority (MFSA)MTC 51071213800LXNGNQ5O1XBW47AAK INSURANCE MALTA LIMITED Domestic undertaking MT  05/11/2010  179 Marina Street, No. 7, 4th Floor, Block C, Skyway Offices, PTA 9042Pieta   05/11/2010  
Aaland Mutual Insurance CompanyFinanssivalvonta (FI)FI014508207437008CXP8UX8KITQ76Ålands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag Domestic undertaking FIÅlands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag 01/01/1900  Köpmansgatan 6 22100MARIEHAMN 20/04/1926  
Aaland Mutual Insurance CompanyFinanssivalvonta (FI)FI014508207437008CXP8UX8KITQ76Ålands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag EEA FPS DKÅlands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag 12/06/2007  Köpmansgatan 6 22100MARIEHAMN 20/04/1926  
Aaland Mutual Insurance CompanyFinanssivalvonta (FI)FI014508207437008CXP8UX8KITQ76Ålands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag EEA FPS NOÅlands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag 12/06/2007  Köpmansgatan 6 22100MARIEHAMN 20/04/1926  
Aaland Mutual Insurance CompanyFinanssivalvonta (FI)FI014508207437008CXP8UX8KITQ76Ålands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag EEA FPS SEÅlands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag 12/06/2007  Köpmansgatan 6 22100MARIEHAMN 20/04/1926  
AB Lietuvos draudimasLietuvos Bankas (LB)LT110051834529900SURJXJXSY5O039AB Lietuvos draudimas Domestic undertaking LT  18/03/1991  J.Basanavičiaus 18/03/1991  
AB Lietuvos draudimasLietuvos Bankas (LB)LT110051834 AB Lietuvos draudimas EEA FPS MT  01/01/2012  J.Basanavičiaus 01/01/2012  
AB Lietuvos draudimasLietuvos Bankas (LB)LT110051834 AB Lietuvos draudimas EEA FPS SI  01/01/2012  J.Basanavičiaus 01/01/2012  
AB Lietuvos draudimasLietuvos Bankas (LB)LT110051834 AB Lietuvos draudimas EEA FPS FI  01/01/2012  J.Basanavičiaus 01/01/2012  
AB Lietuvos draudimasLietuvos Bankas (LB)LT110051834 AB Lietuvos draudimas EEA FPS FR  01/01/2012  J.Basanavičiaus 01/01/2012  
24355 result(s)

The information covered by the Register of Insurance Undertakings refers to insurance companies to which authorisation have been granted to operate within the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA).   

​Explanation of terms used:

"Domestic undertaking" - refers to an undertaking that has been granted the appropriate authorisation for the taking-up of the business of direct insurance or reinsurance in the country where the undertaking has its legal seat.

"Third country branch" means a branch of a third-country insurance undertaking, established in a Member State which requires authorisation in accordance with Article 162 of the Directive 2009/138/EC.

"Home country" – In EU legislation, home Member State is defined as the Member State:

(a) for non-life insurance, the Member State in which the head office of the insurance undertaking covering the risk is situated;

(b) for life insurance, the Member State in which the head office of the insurance undertaking covering the commitment is situated; or

(c) for reinsurance, the Member State in which the head office of the reinsurance undertaking is situated;

 "Host country" – In EU legislation, host Member State is defined as the Member State, other than the home Member State, in which an insurance or a reinsurance undertaking has a branch or provides services; for life and non-life insurance, the Member State of the provisions of services means, respectively, the Member State of the commitment or the Member State in which the risk is situated, where that commitment or risk is covered by an insurance undertaking or a branch situated in another Member State.