
Workshop on the launch of the Occupational Pensions Stress Test 2017
Date: 18/05/2017 12:00
Location: EIOPA, Westhafenplatz 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) will hold an event – on the occasion of the launch of the Occupational Pensions Stress Test 2017 on 18th May.

The stress test constitutes a European-wide exercise, including all countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) with material IORP sectors and covering both defined benefit (DB) schemes and defined contribution (DC) plans.

The main objectives of the stress test are to assess:

  • the resilience of IORPs to an adverse market scenario developed in cooperation with the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), and
  • the transmission mechanisms of IORPs towards the real economy and financial markets.

EIOPA will conduct its second stress test of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs) from 18 May until 13 July 2017. EIOPA expects to publish the results of the stress test in December 2017.                           

Topics that will be addressed at the launch event include:

  • Overview of the content, process and timeline of the exercise
  • Background on the adverse market scenario developed by the ESRB
  • Practical introduction to the specifications, templates and tools for both the DB- and DC-part of the stress test
The aim of the launch event is to provide participants with practical information for completing the stress test exercise. The event offers participants the opportunity to meet and exchange views with professionals active in occupational pensions sector across Europe.

The draft programme can be viewed here

Target audience:

  • Staff of IORPs participating in the pensions stress test
  • Staff of national competent authorities in participating countries and other stakeholders with an interest in this year's stress test for IORPs


To register for the event, please submit your online registration form below by 11 May 2017 at the latest.

Registration form 

Confirmations will be sent shortly after the deadline. Please note that seating capacity is limited.
