Fausto Parente speaks at the Seminar hosted by the European Union Affairs Department of the Italian Government on "EU Framework and Italian Pension Funds: Challenges and Opportunities" | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-.aspx | Fausto Parente speaks at the Seminar hosted by the European Union Affairs Department of the Italian Government on "EU Framework and Italian Pension Funds: Challenges and Opportunities" | 25/01/2018 23:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente gives a presentation at the Amundi and Lalux Conference "Pan-European Pension Plans, Exploring Challenges and Opportunities" | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-gives-a-presentation-at-the-Amundi-and-Lalux-Conference-Pan-European-Pension-Plans,-Exploring-Challenges-and.aspx | Fausto Parente gives a presentation at the Amundi and Lalux Conference "Pan-European Pension Plans, Exploring Challenges and Opportunities" | 05/02/2018 13:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente delivers the keynote speech at S&P Global Ratings Insurance Conference | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-delivers-the-keynote-speech-at-SP-Global-Ratings-Insurance-Conference.aspx | Fausto Parente delivers the keynote speech at S&P Global Ratings Insurance Conference | 12/02/2018 23:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente meets with a delagation of the American Chamber of Commerce | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-meets-with-a-delagation-of-the-American-Chamber-of-Commerce.aspx | Fausto Parente meets with a delagation of the American Chamber of Commerce | 07/03/2018 23:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino and Fausto Parente meet with the Chief Executive Officer Global Business Lines and International of Generali | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino-and-Fausto-Parente-meet-with-the-Chief-Executive-Officer-Global-Business-Lines-and-International-of-Gene.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino and Fausto Parente meet with the Chief Executive Officer Global Business Lines and International of Generali | 18/03/2018 23:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente meets with representatives of the Actuarial Association of Europe, the European Association of Paritarian Institutions, Pensions Europe | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-meets-with-representatives-of-the-Actuarial-Association-of-Europe,-the-European-Association-of-Paritarian-In.aspx | Fausto Parente meets with representatives of the Actuarial Association of Europe, the European Association of Paritarian Institutions, Pensions Europe | 20/03/2018 23:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente participates at the roundtable discussion on "Leveraging the new regulatory framework to create value in the pension system” organised by BlackRock | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-participates-at-the-roundtable-discussion-on-Leveraging-the-new-regulatory-framework-to-create-value-in-the-.aspx | Fausto Parente participates at the roundtable discussion on "Leveraging the new regulatory framework to create value in the pension system” organised by BlackRock | 22/03/2018 23:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente participates in a panel discussion at the 7th AIDA Europe Conference of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – CeTIF in Warsaw | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-participates-in-a-panel-discussion-at-the-7th-AIDA-Europe-Conference-of-the-Università-Cattolica-del-Sacro-C.aspx | Fausto Parente participates in a panel discussion at the 7th AIDA Europe Conference of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – CeTIF in Warsaw | 11/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente participates in the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) Dinner in Frankfurt | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-participates-in-the-Institute-for-Law-and-Finance-(ILF)-Dinner-in-Frankfurt.aspx | Fausto Parente participates in the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) Dinner in Frankfurt | 21/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of JP Morgan in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino--Fausto-Parente-meet-with-representatives-of-JP-Morgan-in-Sofia.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of JP Morgan in Sofia | 24/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino--Fausto-Parente-meet-with-representatives-of-the-National-Association-of-Insurance-Commissioners-(NAIC)-.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in Sofia | 24/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente meets with the Head of International Affairs Office of the Italian Insurers Association (ANIA) in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-meets-with-the-Head-of-International-Affairs-Office-of-the-Italian-Insurers-Association-(ANIA)-in-Sofia.aspx | Fausto Parente meets with the Head of International Affairs Office of the Italian Insurers Association (ANIA) in Sofia | 25/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente participates in a panel discussion at the Spring 2018 Eurofi High-Level Seminar in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-participates-in-a-panel-discussion-at-the-Spring-2018-Eurofi-High-Level-Seminar-in-Sofia.aspx | Fausto Parente participates in a panel discussion at the Spring 2018 Eurofi High-Level Seminar in Sofia | 25/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino, Fausto Parente participate in the Eurofi Gala Dinner in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino,-Fausto-Parente-participate-in-the-Eurofi-Gala-Dinner-in-Sofia.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino, Fausto Parente participate in the Eurofi Gala Dinner in Sofia | 25/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of Standard & Poors Global in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino--Fausto-Parente-meet-with-representatives-of-Standard--Poors-Global-in-Sofia.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of Standard & Poors Global in Sofia | 25/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with the Head Group Qualitative Risk Management of Swiss Re in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino--Fausto-Parente-meet-with-the-Head-Group-Qualitative-Risk-Management-of-Swiss-Re-in-Sofia.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with the Head Group Qualitative Risk Management of Swiss Re in Sofia | 25/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of Fidelity in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino--Fausto-Parente-meet-with-representatives-of-Fidelity-in-Sofia-.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of Fidelity in Sofia | 26/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of MetLife in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino--Fausto-Parente-meet-with-representatives-of-MetLife-in-Sofia.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of MetLife in Sofia | 26/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of Moody’s Investors Service in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino--Fausto-Parente-meet-with-representatives-of-Moody’s-Investors-Service-in-Sofia.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of Moody’s Investors Service in Sofia | 26/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of the Forum of European Asset Managers in Sofia | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Gabriel-Bernardino--Fausto-Parente-meet-with-representatives-of-the-Forum-of-European-Asset-Managers-in-Sofia.aspx | Gabriel Bernardino & Fausto Parente meet with representatives of the Forum of European Asset Managers in Sofia | 26/04/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente meets with a partner of Deloitte London in Frankfurt | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-meets-with-a-partner-of-Deloitte-London-in-Frankfurt.aspx | Fausto Parente meets with a partner of Deloitte London in Frankfurt | 13/05/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente meets with representatives of the International Credit Insurance and Surety Association (ICISA) in Brussels | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-meets-with-representatives-of-the-International-Credit-Insurance-and-Surety-Association-(ICISA)-in-Brussels.aspx | Fausto Parente meets with representatives of the International Credit Insurance and Surety Association (ICISA) in Brussels | 15/05/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente speaks at the Pan-European Pension Forum organised by Global Leading Conference Europe | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-speaks-at-the-Pan-European-Pension-Forum-organised-by-Global-Leading-Conference-Europe-.aspx | Fausto Parente speaks at the Pan-European Pension Forum organised by Global Leading Conference Europe | 16/05/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente participates in a panel discussion at the conference on “Preparing Supervisory Reporting for the Digital Age” organised by the European Commission in Brussels | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-participates-in-a-panel-discussion-at-the-conference-on-“Preparing-Supervisory-Reporting-for-the-Digital-Age.aspx | Fausto Parente participates in a panel discussion at the conference on “Preparing Supervisory Reporting for the Digital Age” organised by the European Commission in Brussels | 03/06/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente delivers a keynote speech at the opening reception of the PensionsEurope 2018 Conference in Brussels | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-delivers-a-keynote-speech-at-the-opening-reception-of-the-PensionsEurope-2018-Conference-in-Brussels.aspx | Fausto Parente delivers a keynote speech at the opening reception of the PensionsEurope 2018 Conference in Brussels | 05/06/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente meets with Ludek Niedermayer, Member of the European Parliament in Strasburg | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-meets-with-Ludek-Niedermayer,-Member-of-the-European-Parliament-in-Strasburg.aspx | Fausto Parente meets with Ludek Niedermayer, Member of the European Parliament in Strasburg | 11/06/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente talks to Jens Geier, Member of the European Parliament (telephone) | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-talks-to-Jens-Geier,-Member-of-the-European-Parliament-(telephone).aspx | Fausto Parente talks to Jens Geier, Member of the European Parliament (telephone) | 13/06/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente delivers introductory statement and participates at the panel discussion on "Insurance Company Resolution" at the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) Conference on "Resolution in Europe: The Unresolved | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Meetings/Fausto-Parente-delivers-introductory-statement-and-participates-at-the-panel-discussion-on-Insurance-Company-Resolution-at-.aspx | Fausto Parente delivers introductory statement and participates at the panel discussion on "Insurance Company Resolution" at the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) Conference on "Resolution in Europe: The Unresolved | 16/07/2018 22:00:00 | | |
Fausto Parente delivers a keynote speech at the European captive Forum of the European Captive Insurance and Reinsurance Owners' Association (ECIROA) | https://register.eiopa.europa.eu/Pages/Deleted/Fausto-Parente-delivers-a-keynote-speech-at-the-European-captive-Forum-of-the-European-Captive-Insurance-and-Reinsurance-Ow.aspx | Fausto Parente delivers a keynote speech at the European captive Forum of the European Captive Insurance and Reinsurance Owners' Association (ECIROA) | 13/11/2018 23:00:00 | | |