Speeches & Presentations 2011


EIOPA’s vision for enhancing consumer protection – taking the lead
Gabriel Bernardino, chairman, EIOPA, opening speech at EIOPA's Consumer Strategy Day in Frankfurt.


EIOPA & Solvency II, What to expect in non-member states such as Switzerland
Gabriel Bernardino, chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the Symposium "Implications of the current regulatory developments in the European Union for the Swiss insurance industry" in Zurich.



Insurance and pensions: challenges and opportunities for deepening the Single Market (English / French)
Michel Barnier, Member of the European Commission responsible for the Internal Market and Services, Keynote speech at EIOPA's first Annual Conference in Frankfurt


Keynote Speech
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, welcome speech at EIOPA's first Annual Conference in Frankfurt


Keynote Speech
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, at the European Pension Funds Congress


Risk Management – A supervisor’s approach, Speech
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at SUERF Annual Lecture in Helsinki 


Supervisory convergence: challenges for groups and the way forward
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, speach at the TIGS Coneference in Frankfurt


EIOPA Stress Test 2011
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA announced the results of the second European insurance stress test


Solvency II - A new and revolutionary framework for the international (re)insurance industry
Carlos Montalvo, Executive Director, EIOPA, presentation at the 5th International Reinsurance Summit in Zurich


EIOPA - Towards a European Supervisory Culture
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the General Assembly of the European Association of Paritarian Institutions of Social Protection (AEIP) in Wiesbaden


EIOPA, 6 Months On - What Are The Implications For Intermediaries?
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the annual meeting of the European Federation of Insurance Intermediaries in Brussels


Shaping the Regulatory Environment in (Re) Insurance
Carlos Montalvo, Executive Director, EIOPA, presentation at the Global Insurance Conference in Washington, D.C.


Solvency II - Towards a Risk Based System
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at a webinar of the Amercian Academy of Actuaries


Fostering Insurance Group Supervision in the EU - The Role of EIOPA
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the 38th General Assembly of the Geneva Association in Rio de Janeiro


ORSA - The Heart of Solvency II
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the Europeen Summer School in Lisbon


Towards a European Supervisory Culture
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the conference on the new European Supervisory Structure in Stockholm


Solvency II - The Final Countdown
Reform of the Insurance Prudential Regime in the EU

Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, speech and panel presentation at the conference "Insurance in the EU on the threshold of the third millennium" in Bratislava 


EIOPA and Solvency II - Towards a Credible Regulation and a Convergent Supervision
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the 4th HSBC Versicherungskonferenz in Bergisch Gladbach


Regulatory and supervisory lessons from the global financial crisis & how consumers are affected
Carlos Montalvo, Executive Director, EIOPA, lecture at the Institute of Law and Finance in Frankfurt


Solvency II
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, speech at the Solvency II Conféremce de l'ACP in Paris


Solvency II - Quo Vadis?
Carlos Montalvo, Executive Director, EIOPA, presentation at the Solvency II Handelsblatt conference in Cologne


Solvency II - Messages and Findings from QIS5
Carlos Montalvo, Executive Director, EIOPA, presentation at the Risk Europe conference in Brussels


EIOPA Launch
Sharon Bowles, Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Member of the European Parliament, speech at the City of Frankfurt Welcomes EIOPA reception, Frankfurt


Inauguration of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
Michel Barnier, Member of the European Commission, Internal Market and Services, speech at the City of Frankfurt Welcomes EIOPA reception, Frankfurt


Welcoming EIOPA
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, speech at the City of Frankfurt Welcomes EIOPA reception, Frankfurt


The European Insurance Market: Vigilance, Reliability and Consumper Protection
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the European and Italian Insurance Market conference, Rome


Insurance Supervision in Europe
Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman, EIOPA, presentation at the Insurance Forum, Cyprus