The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in cooperation with the International Center for Insurance Regulation (ICIR), the Research Center SAFE - Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe and the World Bank Group are pleased to invite you to the Global Insurance Supervision (GIS) Conference 2017, which will take place for the fifth time on 6th and 7th September 2017 in the Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Top representatives from major (re)insurance groups, regulatory and supervisory authorities as well as renowned academics from around the globe will gather in Frankfurt to debate and exchange views on the current and future key topics of international insurance supervision, focusing on global trends in risk-based supervision and the challenges linked to the implementation of global standards.
This year's conference will explore developments that shape the future of the global insurance and (re)insurance sector and will focus on the following topics:
- The effects of climate change on the (re)insurance sector
- The latest developments in consumer protection
- The interconnection of micro- and macro-regulatory aspects to achieve financial stability
For one and a half days the conference will include keynote speeches, presentations, panel discussions and break-out sessions as well as will provide networking opportunities. Participation is upon invitation only.
A detailed programme is available here.
Please contact the EIOPA Training & Events Team at training& for further information.
Conference Venue
Goethe University
Campus Westend
Theodor-W.-Adorno Platz 3
60629 Frankfurt am Main
Room: Casino Anbau Saal West (next to the House of Finance)
Please find directions to the venue here. A map can be found here.