Carlos Montalvo meets a representative of Zurich Insurance in Madrid | | Carlos Montalvo meets a representative of Zurich Insurance in Madrid | 02/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Carlos Montalvo �meets a representative of the World Bank in Madrid | | Carlos Montalvo �meets a representative of the World Bank in Madrid | 03/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Carlos Montalvo holds a lecture at the Ludwig Maximilians Munich University | | Carlos Montalvo holds a lecture at the Ludwig Maximilians Munich University | 10/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of the Federal Insurance Office and the US Treasury in Washington | | Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of the Federal Insurance Office and the US Treasury in Washington | 11/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Carlos Montalvo meets the Managing Director of the MBIA UK Insurance Limited in Frankfurt | | Carlos Montalvo meets the Managing Director of the MBIA UK Insurance Limited in Frankfurt | 15/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino attends the Financial Stability Specialists meeting in Miami | | Gabriel Bernardino attends the Financial Stability Specialists meeting in Miami | 15/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in Miami | | Gabriel Bernardino meets the Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in Miami | 15/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino attends the IAIS Financial Stability Committee meeting in Miami | | Gabriel Bernardino attends the IAIS Financial Stability Committee meeting in Miami | 16/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino attends the International Association of Insurance Supervisors Executive Committee meeting (IAIS ExCo) in Miami | | Gabriel Bernardino attends the International Association of Insurance Supervisors Executive Committee meeting (IAIS ExCo) in Miami | 16/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Management Board Meeting | | Management Board Meeting | 19/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Occupational Pensions SG meeting | | Occupational Pensions SG meeting | 19/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino gives a speech at the Dutch Pensions Funds Meeting in Brussels | | Gabriel Bernardino gives a speech at the Dutch Pensions Funds Meeting in Brussels | 22/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Director General of Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment of the Netherlands in Brussels | | Gabriel Bernardino meets the Director General of Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment of the Netherlands in Brussels | 22/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Director General of the Finnish Supervisory Authority in Helsinki | | Gabriel Bernardino meets the Director General of the Finnish Supervisory Authority in Helsinki | 23/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino gives a presentation at the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority�s Conference on EU Regulation and Supervision in Helsinki | | Gabriel Bernardino gives a presentation at the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority�s Conference on EU Regulation and Supervision in Helsinki | 24/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo welcome representatives from the Korea Institute of Finance and the Director of the Frankfurt Office of the South Korean Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) at EIOPA | | Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo welcome representatives from the Korea Institute of Finance and the Director of the Frankfurt Office of the South Korean Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) at EIOPA | 29/01/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Board of Supervisors Meeting | | Board of Supervisors Meeting | 01/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Carlos Montalvo welcomes the officials from the Israeli Ministry of Finance in Frankfurt. | | Carlos Montalvo welcomes the officials from the Israeli Ministry of Finance in Frankfurt. | 06/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino has a press talk at the Goethe University House of Finance, Frankfurt. Contact: Dr. Muriel B�sser, Press Relations Officer, Goethe University, tel. +49 69 798 34006 | | Gabriel Bernardino has a press talk at the Goethe University House of Finance, Frankfurt. Contact: Dr. Muriel B�sser, Press Relations Officer, Goethe University, tel. +49 69 798 34006 | 08/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the seminar on Insurance and Regulation organised by the Goethe University in Frankfurt. | | Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the seminar on Insurance and Regulation organised by the Goethe University in Frankfurt. | 08/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Carlos Montalvo meets a representative from Munich Re in Frankfurt. | | Carlos Montalvo meets a representative from Munich Re in Frankfurt. | 09/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Management Board Meeting | | Management Board Meeting | 12/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Board of Supervisors Meeting | | Board of Supervisors Meeting | 12/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo welcome representatives from the Geneva Association in Frankfurt. | | Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo welcome representatives from the Geneva Association in Frankfurt. | 14/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo attend a meeting of the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities in Paris | | Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo attend a meeting of the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities in Paris | 21/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the 1st Steering Committee of the EU-US Insurance Dialogue on Mutual Understanding and Cooperation in Basel | | Gabriel Bernardino participates in the 1st Steering Committee of the EU-US Insurance Dialogue on Mutual Understanding and Cooperation in Basel | 21/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Carlos Montalvo participates at the Inese (online platform for the insurance market in Spain) Q&A Session in Barcelona. | | Carlos Montalvo participates at the Inese (online platform for the insurance market in Spain) Q&A Session in Barcelona. | 22/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Gabriel Bernardino attends the International Association of Insurance Supervisors Executive Committee meeting in Basel | | Gabriel Bernardino attends the International Association of Insurance Supervisors Executive Committee meeting in Basel | 22/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the event organised by the German Insurance Science Association (Deutsche Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft) in Frankfurt. | | Carlos Montalvo speaks at the event organised by the German Insurance Science Association (Deutsche Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft) in Frankfurt. | 23/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |
Carlos Montalvo meets representatives from City of London Corporation, International Regulatory Strategy Group and Lloyd�s Insurance in Frankfurt | | Carlos Montalvo meets representatives from City of London Corporation, International Regulatory Strategy Group and Lloyd�s Insurance in Frankfurt | 26/02/2012 11:00:00 | | |