
​​​​​​​​​Meetings of EIOPA Staff Members with External Stakeholders

EIOPA publishes information on meetings of EIOPA staff members with external stakeholders in relation to EIOPA’s mandate. 



The calendar consists of EIOPA events such as meetings of the Management Board, meetings of the Board of Supervisors, EIOPA conferences, Stakeholder Group meetings, hearings as well as the information about speaking engagements and meetings of EIOPA’s Chairman and Executive Director.




Management Board Meeting Board Meeting13/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in Santa Monica, the USA. Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in Santa Monica, the USA.16/01/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo attends the Financial Stability Table of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC-FST) in Brussels, Belgium Montalvo attends the Financial Stability Table of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC-FST) in Brussels, Belgium16/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet high-level representatives of the Insurance Europe in Frankfurt Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet high-level representatives of the Insurance Europe in Frankfurt19/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo participate in a Joint Committee meeting of the European Supervisory Authorities in Paris, France. Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo participate in a Joint Committee meeting of the European Supervisory Authorities in Paris, France.22/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets high-level representatives of AXA in Paris, France. Bernardino meets high-level representatives of AXA in Paris, France.22/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets with representatives of Que Choisir, in Paris, France. Bernardino meets with representatives of Que Choisir, in Paris, France.23/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets with representatives of the Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurances (FFSA) in Paris, France. Bernardino meets with representatives of the Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurances (FFSA) in Paris, France.23/01/2015 11:00:00
Board of Supervisors Meeting of Supervisors Meeting28/01/2015 11:00:00
CP-15-001 Pensions Transferability Pensions Transferability29/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet the European Commission’s Vice-President Jyrki Katainen in Frankfurt. Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet the European Commission’s Vice-President Jyrki Katainen in Frankfurt.30/01/2015 11:00:00




Carlos Montalvo speaks at the 10th Standard & Poor’s Insurance Symposium in Frankfurt. Montalvo speaks at the 10th Standard & Poor’s Insurance Symposium in Frankfurt.03/02/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo meets a representative from Insurance Sweden in Stockholm. Montalvo meets a representative from Insurance Sweden in Stockholm.04/02/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the annual Insurance Summit in Stockholm, Sweden. Montalvo speaks at the annual Insurance Summit in Stockholm, Sweden.04/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the President of the Romanian National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania in Frankfurt. Bernardino meets the President of the Romanian National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania in Frankfurt.06/02/2015 11:00:00
Insurance & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting10/02/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Roundtable “The Future of Pensions” in Brussels, Belgium. Montalvo speaks at the Roundtable “The Future of Pensions” in Brussels, Belgium.12/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the annual conference “Insurance in Portugal” Bernardino speaks at the annual conference “Insurance in Portugal”13/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)16/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets high level representatives of the German Association of Actuaries (DAV) Bernardino meets high level representatives of the German Association of Actuaries (DAV)23/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of pension fund sponsors in the headquarters of the law firm Eversheds in London Bernardino meets representatives of pension fund sponsors in the headquarters of the law firm Eversheds in London24/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the UK Minister of State for Pension Steve Webb Bernardino meets the UK Minister of State for Pension Steve Webb24/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of MAPFRE, in Madrid, Spain Bernardino meets representatives of MAPFRE, in Madrid, Spain25/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Executive Committee of the Spanish Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Institutions Bernardino meets the Executive Committee of the Spanish Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Institutions25/02/2015 11:00:00
EIOPA Board of Supervisors Telephone Conference Board of Supervisors Telephone Conference26/02/2015 11:00:00




Gabriel Bernardino meets the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union Jonathan Hill Bernardino meets the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union Jonathan Hill02/03/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Economist's Insurance Summit 2015's-Insurance-Summit-2015.aspxCarlos Montalvo speaks at the Economist's Insurance Summit 201503/03/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the insurance fellowship dinner organised by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI) Montalvo speaks at the insurance fellowship dinner organised by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI)03/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the Sixth Annual EFR Stakeholder Round Table Bernardino participates in the Sixth Annual EFR Stakeholder Round Table05/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the High-Level meeting between the IAIS Executive Committee and the Board of the Geneva Association Bernardino participates in the High-Level meeting between the IAIS Executive Committee and the Board of the Geneva Association06/03/2015 11:00:00
JC/C/2015/001 Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the allocation of credit assessments of ECAIs to an objective scale of credit quality steps Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the allocation of credit assessments of ECAIs to an objective scale of credit quality steps06/03/2015 11:00:00
Management Board Meeting Board Meeting09/03/2015 11:00:00
Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group meeting Pensions Stakeholder Group meeting10/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the Insurance Seminar of the Duisenberg School of Finance Bernardino speaks at the Insurance Seminar of the Duisenberg School of Finance12/03/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo meets representatives of the Association of British Insurers Montalvo meets representatives of the Association of British Insurers12/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Chairman of the Executive Board of Aegon Bernardino meets the Chairman of the Executive Board of Aegon13/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the 16th Handelsblatt Annual Conference Bernardino speaks at the 16th Handelsblatt Annual Conference16/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets high-level representatives of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Bernardino meets high-level representatives of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission18/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo participate in a Joint Committee meeting of the European Supervisory Authorities Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo participate in a Joint Committee meeting of the European Supervisory Authorities23/03/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Insurance Governance Leadership Network Montalvo speaks at the Insurance Governance Leadership Network24/03/2015 11:00:00
Board of Supervisors Meeting of Supervisors Meeting26/03/2015 11:00:00
CP-15-002 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS on the procedures and templates for the submission of information to the group supervisor as well as the exchange of information between supervisory authorities Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS on the procedures and templates for the submission of information to the group supervisor as well as the exchange of information between supervisory authorities 27/03/2015 11:00:00
CP-15-003 Discussion Paper on Infrastructure Investments by Insurers Discussion Paper on Infrastructure Investments by Insurers27/03/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Solvency II workshop of Universidad de Navarra Montalvo speaks at the Solvency II workshop of Universidad de Navarra30/03/2015 10:00:00




Gabriel Bernardino attends the Financial Stability Table of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC-FST) Bernardino attends the Financial Stability Table of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC-FST)08/04/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the CEO of Assicurazioni Generali Bernardino meets the CEO of Assicurazioni Generali10/04/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo participates in the XXVI Annual General Meeting and XVI Conference on Insurance Regulation and Supervision in Latin America co-organized by the IAIS and the ASSAL Montalvo participates in the XXVI Annual General Meeting and XVI Conference on Insurance Regulation and Supervision in Latin America co-organized by the IAIS and the ASSAL14/04/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of the Association of British Insurers (ABI) Bernardino meets representatives of the Association of British Insurers (ABI)15/04/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Regulatory Seminar Latin America organised by the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF) Montalvo speaks at the Regulatory Seminar Latin America organised by the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF)15/04/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the Symposium “Building the Financial system of the 21st Century: an Agenda for Europe and the USA” organised by Deutsche Bundesbank“Building-the-Financial-system-of-the-21st-Century-an-Agenda-for-Europe-an.aspxGabriel Bernardino participates in the Symposium “Building the Financial system of the 21st Century: an Agenda for Europe and the USA” organised by Deutsche Bundesbank17/04/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the Solvency II Industry Event in Dublin, Ireland. Bernardino speaks at the Solvency II Industry Event in Dublin, Ireland.20/04/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo meets a representative of the Spanish Association of Insurance Brokers in Frankfurt. Montalvo meets a representative of the Spanish Association of Insurance Brokers in Frankfurt.20/04/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Eurofi High Level Seminar 2015 in Riga, Latvia.,-Latvia.aspxCarlos Montalvo speaks at the Eurofi High Level Seminar 2015 in Riga, Latvia.22/04/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets a representative of Standard&Poor’s in Riga, Latvia. Bernardino meets a representative of Standard&Poor’s in Riga, Latvia.23/04/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the Eurofi High Level Seminar 2015 in Riga, Latvia. Bernardino speaks at the Eurofi High Level Seminar 2015 in Riga, Latvia.23/04/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo meets a representative of MetLife in Riga, Latvia.,-Latvia.aspxCarlos Montalvo meets a representative of MetLife in Riga, Latvia.23/04/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the Informal ECOFIN Council Meeting in Riga, Latvia. Bernardino participates in the Informal ECOFIN Council Meeting in Riga, Latvia.24/04/2015 10:00:00
Insurance & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting28/04/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of the global Chief Compliance Officers Forum in Frankfurt. Bernardino meets representatives of the global Chief Compliance Officers Forum in Frankfurt.29/04/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo meets the member of the European Parliament Jens Geier in Frankfurt. Montalvo meets the member of the European Parliament Jens Geier in Frankfurt.30/04/2015 10:00:00




Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of the German Social-Democratic Party (SPD) Bernardino meets representatives of the German Social-Democratic Party (SPD)05/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Finance Bernardino meets the State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Finance05/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Bernardino meets the State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs05/05/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo meets the representatives of the World Bank (WB) Montalvo meets the representatives of the World Bank (WB)05/05/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo participates in the 6th U.S.-EU Insurance Symposium Montalvo participates in the 6th U.S.-EU Insurance Symposium05/05/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo participates in the Steering Committee Meeting of the EU-US Dialogue Project Montalvo participates in the Steering Committee Meeting of the EU-US Dialogue Project05/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Commissioner of the Capital Markets Insurance and Savings Division of Israel Bernardino meets the Commissioner of the Capital Markets Insurance and Savings Division of Israel06/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Managing Director of Swiss Re Bernardino meets the Managing Director of Swiss Re07/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Bernardino meets the President of the European Central Bank (ECB)07/05/2015 10:00:00
Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group meeting Pensions Stakeholder Group meeting08/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Executive Board member of Allianz SE Bernardino meets the Executive Board member of Allianz SE13/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of Insurance Europe Bernardino meets the representatives of Insurance Europe13/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Swiss Insurance Association Bernardino meets the representatives of the Swiss Insurance Association13/05/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo meets the representatives of the European Court of Auditors Montalvo meets the representatives of the European Court of Auditors13/05/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the BlackRock C-suite Forum Montalvo speaks at the BlackRock C-suite Forum14/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representative of the Association of German Insurers (GDV) Bernardino meets the representative of the Association of German Insurers (GDV)18/05/2015 10:00:00
Workshop with participating IORPs in the Pensions stress test and Quantitative assessment with participating IORPs in the Pensions stress test and Quantitative assessment19/05/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) annual International Insurance Forum Bernardino speaks at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) annual International Insurance Forum22/05/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo attends the Financial Services Committee (FSC) meeting Montalvo attends the Financial Services Committee (FSC) meeting22/05/2015 10:00:00




Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of Zurich Insurance Bernardino meets the representatives of Zurich Insurance02/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the European Insurance Conference Bernardino speaks at the European Insurance Conference02/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the Joint ESAs Consumer Protection Day Bernardino speaks at the Joint ESAs Consumer Protection Day03/06/2015 10:00:00
3rd Joint ESAs Consumer Protection DayΤhird-Joint-Consumer-Protection-Day.aspx3rd Joint ESAs Consumer Protection Day03/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Director General of Insurance Europe Bernardino meets the Director General of Insurance Europe05/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the Annual General Meeting of the European Federation of Insurance Intermediaries (BIPAR) Bernardino speaks at the Annual General Meeting of the European Federation of Insurance Intermediaries (BIPAR)05/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the CFO Forum Bernardino meets the representatives of the CFO Forum08/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Chinese Pacific Insurance Group CPIC Bernardino meets the representatives of the Chinese Pacific Insurance Group CPIC08/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the meeting of the Finance and Risk Management Committee of the German Insurance Association Bernardino speaks at the meeting of the Finance and Risk Management Committee of the German Insurance Association08/06/2015 10:00:00
Insurance & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting10/06/2015 10:00:00
JC/CP/2015/002 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Second Consultation Paper on the Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP under Article 11(15) of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Second Consultation Paper on the Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP under Article 11(15) of Regulation (EU) No 648/201210/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Chief Risk Officer of Swiss Re Bernardino meets the Chief Risk Officer of Swiss Re11/06/2015 10:00:00
Management Board Meeting Board Meeting12/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)17/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Hong Kong Commissioner of Insurance and the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Bernardino meets the Hong Kong Commissioner of Insurance and the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury18/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) Bernardino meets the representatives of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)19/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of the Japan Financial Services Authority (JFSA) Bernardino meets representatives of the Japan Financial Services Authority (JFSA)20/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Life Insurance Association of Japan Bernardino meets the representatives of the Life Insurance Association of Japan20/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the director of the European think tank Bruegel Bernardino meets the director of the European think tank Bruegel23/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representative of Risk Dynamics Bernardino meets the representative of Risk Dynamics23/06/2015 10:00:00
JC/DP/2015/01 Technical Discussion Paper “Risk, performance scenarios and cost disclosures in Key Information Documents for Packages Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs)” Technical Discussion Paper “Risk, performance scenarios and cost disclosures in Key Information Documents for Packages Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs)”23/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the 8th Annual International Insurance Issues Regulatory Dialogue Bernardino speaks at the 8th Annual International Insurance Issues Regulatory Dialogue24/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the PensionsEurope spring conference Bernardino speaks at the PensionsEurope spring conference24/06/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the 2015 Institute of International Finance Europe Summit Bernardino speaks at the 2015 Institute of International Finance Europe Summit25/06/2015 10:00:00
Board of Supervisors Meeting of Supervisors Meeting29/06/2015 07:00:00




Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Actuarial Association of Europe Bernardino meets the representatives of the Actuarial Association of Europe01/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the Mazars Financial Services Seminar Bernardino speaks at the Mazars Financial Services Seminar01/07/2015 10:00:00
CP-15-004 Consultation Paper on the Call for Advice from the European Commission on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories Consultation Paper on the Call for Advice from the European Commission on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories02/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of Insurance Europe Bernardino meets the representatives of Insurance Europe03/07/2015 10:00:00
JC/CP/2015/003 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Consultation Paper on the draft Joint Guidelines on the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holdings in the financial sector EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Consultation Paper on the draft Joint Guidelines on the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holdings in the financial sector03/07/2015 10:00:00
CP-15-006 Consultation Paper on the creation of a standardised Pan-European Personal Pension product (PEPP) Consultation Paper on the creation of a standardised Pan-European Personal Pension product (PEPP)07/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representative of the French “Mission sur le financement de l'investissement” Bernardino meets the representative of the French “Mission sur le financement de l'investissement”08/07/2015 10:00:00
Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group meeting Pensions Stakeholder Group meeting08/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the European Central Bank (ECB) Bernardino meets the representatives of the European Central Bank (ECB)09/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet the chairperson of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet the chairperson of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)13/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Chairman of the Fosun Group (China) Bernardino meets the Chairman of the Fosun Group (China)13/07/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo participates in the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets Hearing with EU decentralized Agencies’s-Committee-on-Budgets-Hearing-with-EU-decentralized-Agencies-.aspxCarlos Montalvo participates in the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets Hearing with EU decentralized Agencies15/07/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the graduation ceremony of the Institute for Law and Finance Montalvo speaks at the graduation ceremony of the Institute for Law and Finance17/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurances (FFSA) Bernardino meets the representatives of the Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurances (FFSA)20/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA) Bernardino meets the representatives of the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA)23/07/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the leader of the global insurance practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers Bernardino meets the leader of the global insurance practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers24/07/2015 10:00:00







Gabriel Bernardino attends the Financial Stability Table of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC-FST) Bernardino attends the Financial Stability Table of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC-FST)01/09/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo attends the European Central Bank Legal Conference Montalvo attends the European Central Bank Legal Conference01/09/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino delivers a keynote speech at the conference “Solvency II: What can go wrong?” Bernardino delivers a keynote speech at the conference “Solvency II: What can go wrong?”02/09/2015 10:00:00
Public hearing on EIOPA CP on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories hearing on EIOPA CP on the identification and calibration of infrastructure investment risk categories04/09/2015 10:00:00
Introducing a Standardised Pan-European Personal Pension Product (Public Event) a Standardised Pan-European Personal Pension Product (Public Event)07/09/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo speak at the 4th Conference on Global Insurance Supervision “Insurance: Globally under Pressure?” Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo speak at the 4th Conference on Global Insurance Supervision “Insurance: Globally under Pressure?”08/09/2015 10:00:00
4th Conference on Global Insurance Supervision Conference on Global Insurance Supervision08/09/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the Eurofi Financial Forum 2015 Bernardino speaks at the Eurofi Financial Forum 201509/09/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Eurofi Financial Forum 2015 Montalvo speaks at the Eurofi Financial Forum 201509/09/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Eurofi Financial Forum 2015 Montalvo speaks at the Eurofi Financial Forum 201510/09/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the Eurofi Financial Forum 2015 Bernardino speaks at the Eurofi Financial Forum 201511/09/2015 10:00:00
Management Board Meeting Board Meeting15/09/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino attends the ESRB General Board meeting Bernardino attends the ESRB General Board meeting17/09/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)18/09/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Fudan-Frankfurt Financial Research Forum Montalvo speaks at the Fudan-Frankfurt Financial Research Forum25/09/2015 10:00:00
Board of Supervisors Meeting of Supervisors Meeting29/09/2015 07:00:00




Gabriel Bernardino meets the members of the Association of Bulgarian Insurers Bernardino meets the members of the Association of Bulgarian Insurers07/10/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the prime minister of Bulgaria and the representatives of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers Bernardino meets the prime minister of Bulgaria and the representatives of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers07/10/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Bulgarian National Assembly Bernardino meets the representatives of the Bulgarian National Assembly07/10/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the European Pensions & Insurance Roundtable 2015 Montalvo speaks at the European Pensions & Insurance Roundtable 201509/10/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the International Conference on Insurance Supervision Montalvo speaks at the International Conference on Insurance Supervision12/10/2015 10:00:00
Carlos Montalvo attends the Financial Services Committee (FSC) meeting Montalvo attends the Financial Services Committee (FSC) meeting14/10/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets high-level representatives of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) Bernardino meets high-level representatives of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)19/10/2015 10:00:00
Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group meeting Pensions Stakeholder Group meeting20/10/2015 10:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Federation of Dutch Pension Funds Bernardino meets the representatives of the Federation of Dutch Pension Funds21/10/2015 10:00:00
Joint Public Consultation on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism Public Consultation on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism21/10/2015 15:00:00
Carlos Montalvo delivers a keynote speech at the Insurance & Finance Symposium Montalvo delivers a keynote speech at the Insurance & Finance Symposium22/10/2015 10:00:00
Insurance & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting28/10/2015 11:00:00
EIOPA-CP-15-008 Consultation Paper on POG Guidelines for insurance undertakings and insurance distributors Consultation Paper on POG Guidelines for insurance undertakings and insurance distributors30/10/2015 11:00:00




Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) Bernardino meets the representatives of the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA)10/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Brazilian Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP) Bernardino meets the representatives of the Brazilian Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP)10/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Latin American Association of Insurance Supervisors (ASSAL) Bernardino meets the representatives of the Latin American Association of Insurance Supervisors (ASSAL)10/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representative of the Japanese Financial Services Agency (JFSA) Bernardino meets the representative of the Japanese Financial Services Agency (JFSA)11/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) Bernardino meets the representatives of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)11/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the representatives of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions of Canada Bernardino meets the representatives of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions of Canada11/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the roundtable discussion of the Global Federation of Insurance Associations Bernardino speaks at the roundtable discussion of the Global Federation of Insurance Associations11/11/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo attends the Financial Services Committee (FSC) meeting Montalvo attends the Financial Services Committee (FSC) meeting11/11/2015 11:00:00
JC/CP/2015/073 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Consultation Paper on the PRIIPs Key Information Documents EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Consultation Paper on the PRIIPs Key Information Documents11/11/2015 14:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Commissioner of Insurance for Hong Kong Bernardino meets the Commissioner of Insurance for Hong Kong12/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the annual meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Bernardino participates in the annual meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)12/11/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo gives a lecture at the Institute for Law and Finance Montalvo gives a lecture at the Institute for Law and Finance12/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino moderates the panel discussion at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Annual Conference 2015 Bernardino moderates the panel discussion at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Annual Conference 201513/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Chairman & CEO of Spanish Banking Association Bernardino meets the Chairman & CEO of Spanish Banking Association17/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the public hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament Bernardino participates in the public hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament17/11/2015 11:00:00
5th Annual Conference of EIOPA Annual Conference of EIOPA18/11/2015 09:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino delivers a keynote speech at the 5th Annual Conference of EIOPA Bernardino delivers a keynote speech at the 5th Annual Conference of EIOPA18/11/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo moderates the panel discussion at the 5th Annual Conference of EIOPA Montalvo moderates the panel discussion at the 5th Annual Conference of EIOPA18/11/2015 11:00:00
Management Board Meeting Board Meeting19/11/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the XXV International seminar on insurance and finance organised by the Mexican National Commission of Insurance and Finance (CNSF) Montalvo speaks at the XXV International seminar on insurance and finance organised by the Mexican National Commission of Insurance and Finance (CNSF)19/11/2015 11:00:00
Call for evidence concerning the request to ΕΙΟΡΑ for further technical advice on the identification and calibration of other infrastructure investment risk categories i.e. infrastructure corporatesΕΙΟΡΑ-for-further-technical-advice-on-the-identification-and-calibration.aspxCall for evidence concerning the request to ΕΙΟΡΑ for further technical advice on the identification and calibration of other infrastructure investment risk categories i.e. infrastructure corporates19/11/2015 12:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Head of Prudential Supervision of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission Bernardino meets the Head of Prudential Supervision of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission20/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets with high-level representatives of the Insurance Europe Bernardino meets with high-level representatives of the Insurance Europe20/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the public forum of the EU-U.S. Insurance Project Bernardino speaks at the public forum of the EU-U.S. Insurance Project22/11/2015 11:00:00
Public Forum: EU-U.S. Insurance Project Forum: EU-U.S. Insurance Project22/11/2015 12:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in a Joint Committee meeting of the European Supervisory Authorities Bernardino participates in a Joint Committee meeting of the European Supervisory Authorities24/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the International Conference on Solvency II of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Bernardino speaks at the International Conference on Solvency II of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart26/11/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the 7th French Federation of Insurance Companies (FFSA) International Conference Bernardino speaks at the 7th French Federation of Insurance Companies (FFSA) International Conference27/11/2015 11:00:00




Management Board Meeting Board Meeting13/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in Santa Monica, the USA. Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in Santa Monica, the USA.16/01/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo attends the Financial Stability Table of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC-FST) in Brussels, Belgium Montalvo attends the Financial Stability Table of the EU Economic and Financial Committee (EFC-FST) in Brussels, Belgium16/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet high-level representatives of the Insurance Europe in Frankfurt Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet high-level representatives of the Insurance Europe in Frankfurt19/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo participate in a Joint Committee meeting of the European Supervisory Authorities in Paris, France. Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo participate in a Joint Committee meeting of the European Supervisory Authorities in Paris, France.22/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets high-level representatives of AXA in Paris, France. Bernardino meets high-level representatives of AXA in Paris, France.22/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets with representatives of Que Choisir, in Paris, France. Bernardino meets with representatives of Que Choisir, in Paris, France.23/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets with representatives of the Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurances (FFSA) in Paris, France. Bernardino meets with representatives of the Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurances (FFSA) in Paris, France.23/01/2015 11:00:00
Board of Supervisors Meeting of Supervisors Meeting28/01/2015 11:00:00
CP-15-001 Pensions Transferability Pensions Transferability29/01/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet the European Commission’s Vice-President Jyrki Katainen in Frankfurt. Bernardino and Carlos Montalvo meet the European Commission’s Vice-President Jyrki Katainen in Frankfurt.30/01/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the 10th Standard & Poor’s Insurance Symposium in Frankfurt. Montalvo speaks at the 10th Standard & Poor’s Insurance Symposium in Frankfurt.03/02/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo meets a representative from Insurance Sweden in Stockholm. Montalvo meets a representative from Insurance Sweden in Stockholm.04/02/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the annual Insurance Summit in Stockholm, Sweden. Montalvo speaks at the annual Insurance Summit in Stockholm, Sweden.04/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the President of the Romanian National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania in Frankfurt. Bernardino meets the President of the Romanian National Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania in Frankfurt.06/02/2015 11:00:00
Insurance & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting & Reinsurance Stakeholder Group meeting10/02/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Roundtable “The Future of Pensions” in Brussels, Belgium. Montalvo speaks at the Roundtable “The Future of Pensions” in Brussels, Belgium.12/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino speaks at the annual conference “Insurance in Portugal” Bernardino speaks at the annual conference “Insurance in Portugal”13/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Bernardino participates in an Executive Committee meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)16/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets high level representatives of the German Association of Actuaries (DAV) Bernardino meets high level representatives of the German Association of Actuaries (DAV)23/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of pension fund sponsors in the headquarters of the law firm Eversheds in London Bernardino meets representatives of pension fund sponsors in the headquarters of the law firm Eversheds in London24/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the UK Minister of State for Pension Steve Webb Bernardino meets the UK Minister of State for Pension Steve Webb24/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets representatives of MAPFRE, in Madrid, Spain Bernardino meets representatives of MAPFRE, in Madrid, Spain25/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the Executive Committee of the Spanish Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Institutions Bernardino meets the Executive Committee of the Spanish Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Institutions25/02/2015 11:00:00
EIOPA Board of Supervisors Telephone Conference Board of Supervisors Telephone Conference26/02/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino meets the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union Jonathan Hill Bernardino meets the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union Jonathan Hill02/03/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the Economist's Insurance Summit 2015's-Insurance-Summit-2015.aspxCarlos Montalvo speaks at the Economist's Insurance Summit 201503/03/2015 11:00:00
Carlos Montalvo speaks at the insurance fellowship dinner organised by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI) Montalvo speaks at the insurance fellowship dinner organised by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI)03/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the Sixth Annual EFR Stakeholder Round Table Bernardino participates in the Sixth Annual EFR Stakeholder Round Table05/03/2015 11:00:00
Gabriel Bernardino participates in the High-Level meeting between the IAIS Executive Committee and the Board of the Geneva Association Bernardino participates in the High-Level meeting between the IAIS Executive Committee and the Board of the Geneva Association06/03/2015 11:00:00